Affordable Flat Fees
We understand the value of knowing what our legal services will cost. Unfortunately, all family law matters cannot be based on a flat rate. Even when there is minimal conflict, couple may disagree and change their minds repeatedly, resulting in the need for ongoing negotiations and the need to revise documents. For contested or complex matters, including matters resolved through negotiation, mediation or collaboration, Nora's regularly hourly rate is $400 and Derya's hourly rate is $150.
For uncontested matters, we offer the following flat fees:
Independent Legal Advice
Without Children - $600
With Children - $900
Separation Agreements
Without Children - $1600
With Children - $2000
Uncontested Divorce
Without children - $1600
With children - $2400
Prenuptial /Cohabitation Agreements - $1200
The flat fees include the following:
Review of our information questionnaire, to be completed by you
Pre-drafting meeting, if required, to review the questionnaire and ensure all necessary information has been provided
Drafting all necessary documents
Final meeting with you to review, explain and sign documents
Submitting desk divorce application and forwarding Divorce Judgment and Certificate of Divorce upon receipt.
The flat fees do not include the following additional services as a result of the matter becoming contested or requiring additional steps, including:
Settlement meetings or other negotiations
Responding to or attending court proceedings
Substantial revisions to documents as a result of changing agreements and independent legal advice
Ensuring compliance with the agreement including preparing or executing land transfer documents, handling settlement funds and/or drafting trust conditions
Out-of-pocket expenses such as court filing fees and courier fees